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Very informative, useful site with nice picture quality. Your team deserves all the compliments Tarun Kamdar Ahmedabad, Gujarat India - Saturday, December 23, 2006 at 11:08:17 (IST) Wonderful, what else sankaran chandrasekharan chennai, tn India - Thursday, December 21, 2006 at 15:04:56 (IST) There is very little info about indian plants and trees on internet. You people are doing a fabulous job. Keep it up. Priyanka Gupta saharanpur, uttar pradesh India - Friday, December 15, 2006 at 16:43:04 (IST) You made a wonderful site! The pictures are just beautiful. Thanks a lot & all the best for the future! :) student of vastu Bergen, Saxony Germany - Saturday, December 09, 2006 at 02:08:08 (IST) I ain't a flower enthusiast but I should say I have fallen in love with the flowers and I am definitely going to come back again:) toi New Delhi, Delhi India - Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 22:07:32 (IST) May God bless your team. Your virtues inspire me. Your site helps me with identifying flowers that I photograph. My best wishes. Dinesh Valke Dinesh Valke Thane, Maharashtra India - Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 23:52:27 (IST) Thunbergia fragrans might be Ipomoea alba Pritpal Kaur Mumbai, Maharashtra India - Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 15:02:49 (IST) Team's reply: Ipomoea alba has really heart-shaped leaves, whereas our vine does not have heart-shaped leaves. hi great effort, truly a treat for the eyes. esp for botanists like me it is a refresher course. please recheck the identification of Tabebuia impetiginosa cos i think that the species is rosea and not impetiginosa. Pritpal Kaur Mehtab Mumbai, Maharashtra India - Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 14:57:16 (IST) Team's reply: Thanks Pritipal. Tabebuia impetiginosa and Tabebuia rosea are really confusing. See Pradip Krishen's "Trees of Delhi" for a discussion on this. Very sincere presentation. I appreciate the pains and the efforts you have put in. In order to help know the local names from botanical names, there has to be a seperate window. Example, ixora is called locally what? Dr.Veeramani Subramoniam Mumbai, India - Thursday, November 30, 2006 at 17:06:46 (IST) Team's reply: Dr. Subramoniam, thanks for the useful suggestion. We have added a new section where one can browse an alphabetical list of Botanical Names, and see the corresponding common names. Very educational and entertaining website! I'm a fan (O.K. FANATIC!) of Indian Incense and always curious to know what the flowers I'm enjoying the scent of, look like. Now that I know that Butt Mogra can be used as a houseplant, I dream of the day that I will have one around the living room, making the house smell fantastic. Of course, adding the dry blossoms to green tea would be marvellous as well! Robert N.M. U.S.A. - Friday, November 24, 2006 at 09:17:00 (IST) great effort How do u got this idea ? I also started collecting flower images and info almost 1 Yr back.. pls let me know if you are not able to get some flower images or name in Marathi language for some flower. I would like to share all my collection with you . Please let me know if u r interested :) Vaibhav Pune, MH India - Thursday, November 23, 2006 at 12:49:54 (IST) Cool pics and information. raman pittsburgh, pa usa - Monday, November 20, 2006 at 01:11:07 (IST) Wonderful site. If you please add info on where to obtain plants and seeds that would be great. I am trying to get water lily Neel kamal for my daughter, who loved it after visiting your web site. Thank you once again for this great site. Madhavi Chakravarty Hyderabad, AP India - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 at 15:40:20 (IST) Team's reply: Madhavi, thanks for your feedback. Many more visitors have been demanding info on where to obtain plants/seeds for specific plants. Unfortunately, at present we are ill-equipped to provide this information for all cities/regions. But this surely is on our "to do" list. The photographs are the best part, with detailed botanical information. The long shots are a great help. Also, now can put a name to many flowers which one saw around but did not know their exact names. Azra Baroda, Gujarat India - Friday, November 03, 2006 at 23:08:37 (IST) Very informative site for flower lovers Information galore I liked your site sunanda India - Friday, November 03, 2006 at 12:56:45 (IST) I am planning my first trip to India when I stumbled across your site. What a delightful surprise for this gardener and botanist, I am even more excited about my trip to India knowing there are so many flowers and a website to help me identify them. Thank you so much for your beautiful efforts. Daniel Daniel Mount Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 at 09:24:54 (IST) Visited your Literature link, Great work, Appreciated the efforts which is useful for all & NOT RESTRICTED ONLY FOR THOSE having scientific background. Thanks, With Gods' blessings, Geeta Geeta Rane Mumbai, MAH India - Friday, October 20, 2006 at 10:24:27 (IST) What a beautiful website, the photos make all the difference, you should consider expanding it to include the flowers of the world Ambrand Munster, Ireland - Friday, October 20, 2006 at 06:24:47 (IST) Dear Friends of Nature, I will call you devdoots! You have done a impossible job with selfless service to all nature lovers of india and world. Thanks! Hanumant Anandrao Raje MUMBAI, MAHARASHTRA India - Friday, October 13, 2006 at 17:47:05 (IST) What a wonderful site! The pictures are just beautiful. Links to reliable sources for obtaining seeds or plants from, would be appreciated. L. DSouza Mapusa, Goa India - Wednesday, October 04, 2006 at 14:13:25 (IST) Team's reply: Thanks DSouza - we will try to implement your suggestion. The site is really nice! I liked 'Alysicarpus' a lot...what is its local/common name?...can i get it from somewhere? Akanksha Sharma delhi, delhi India - Thursday, September 28, 2006 at 11:50:39 (IST) Team's reply: Akanksha, the local name of Alysicarpus is "Durangi (bicolor) shevra" in Hindi and Marathi. In english it is called Hairy Alyce Clover. This is a wildflower, so you may not find it for growing at home. Is Krishnakamal and Brahmakamal the same flower? Please enlighten! Saussurea Obvallata is the botanical name for Google says. Padmini Mohan Secunderabad, AP India - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 12:53:36 (IST) Team's reply: Padmini, thanks for appreciating the site. Brahma Kamal is Saussurea obvallata, as you rightly found out. It is a high altitude Himalayan flower, found only at altitudes about 4000 meters above sea level. Brahmakamal is the widely accepted common name. Krishna kamal, on the other hand, is not a very popular common name. It is the Marathi name of the Blue Water Lily, which is a water plant - this is the mythical Neel Kamal (Hindi), which appears in Indian mythology so often. However, it is not a lotus, but a waterlily, and has the botanical name Nymphaea stellata. As this is not a popular common name, you might occasionally come across the Blue Passion Flower (Passiflora caerulea) being called Krishna kamal. However, the shape of this flower doesn't remind one of any lotus. This is more commonly called Jhumka-lata (Hindi,Bengali). Good page !!Keep it up ! Padmini Mohan Secunderabad, AP India - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 12:50:25 (IST) hi you have done good job site is very good can u please add some more information on medicinal plants. shamikaa <orchidpinks ![]() mumbai, maharashtra India - Sunday, September 24, 2006 at 10:48:40 (IST) This is a really beautiful site about the flowers of India. I really found it useful while trying to identify flowers. The "search by color" option is great! Thanks for creating such a site. Sameena Yasmeen Ahmedabad, India - Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 11:36:15 (IST) Do you have any plans to differentiate between native plants and those brought from other areas? Sumitra India - Monday, September 04, 2006 at 22:38:34 (IST) Team's reply: Sumitra, thanks for the suggestion. This has been on our mind for a long time, and has also been suggested by many people. However, it is not an easy thing to do because some plants were introduced into India really long back, and have become naturalized. We will definitely think of a way to do it. I really enjoyed the beautiful flower photos on your site. Thank you. Jade India - Monday, September 04, 2006 at 19:07:45 (IST) This is a very interesting site about the beautiful flowers of a great country! Fraktalisman Germany - Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 21:12:35 (IST) your site looks great web designer(chemist) - jebakani jebakani jacob fransic India - Friday, August 25, 2006 at 22:20:28 (IST) Greetings, I'm a lay(wo)man & wish 2 say Thanks 4 this gr8 work! I was checking information on Brahmakamal, the botanical name (Courtsey: google search) is "Saussurea obvallata" This is to request you to add the information for this species as in my observation this plant is grown easily in small pot & since last year I'm enjoying the blooming of the flowers regularly in Last weekof July and agian in 1st-2nd wk of August, where the weather has changed as to me as wild monsoon here in Mumbai. Thanx again for listening to me. with Millions of Thanx to our Beloved bird Expert Mr Adesh Shivkar who introduced this site. Sorry for the inconveniences, if any. Prayer. This site was informed by Mr Adesh, Geeta Rane Mumbai, MAH India - Saturday, August 19, 2006 at 13:33:41 (IST) Team's reply: The flower you refer to, which can be grown in a pot in Mumbai, is not Saussurea obvallata, although it is sometimes referred to by the common name Brahmakamal. That flower is actually Night Blooming Cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum), and is a cactus. The real Brahmakamal (Saussurea obvallata) grows only at altitudes of the order of 3000-4000 meters. Both these plants are listed on this site. A great site !!! ... WELL DONE KOUSHIK HAZARIKA BOKAKHAT, ASSAM INDIA - Monday, August 14, 2006 at 20:41:41 (IST) Stupendous job done by you people.It is very useful to me as it has cleared my decade old doubts. Can anyone give the Tamil/local name of the tree Markhamia listed in your site? The white flowered Bauhunia is called "Vellai Mandharai" or as "Kokku Mandharai" and not as indicated. I have a three year old tree "Delonix Indica'in my farm . it may flower next year and the white flower is around 15 cms across. I will send the photograph when it occurs. S.Natesan Chennai, Tamilnadu India - Sunday, August 06, 2006 at 18:58:46 (IST) I have located the botanical name of the flower named 'magilampoo' in is "Minusops elengi". Kindly arrange to send me pictures of this particular flower at the earliest convenience. Santhosh I.K.Santhosh Kumar chennai, tamilnadu India - Sunday, July 30, 2006 at 23:25:42 (IST) This is one of the greatest job and i find it interesting. i also have some knowledge of Medicinal Plants and those rare variety are at my home. Let me collect and contribute more on medicinal plants if i happen to visit home. Naoshekpam Tuljit Gurgaon, Haryana India - Sunday, July 30, 2006 at 20:43:42 (IST) girija n tabish, ita great yu two are working on such a pleasurable and wonderful site.keep up the good work.i wud hve been more glad if ur flower of the month's pic a little clearer,anyway i wish yu success in ur future endeavour.say haihoom shidaba!!! kapil arambam India - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 17:55:47 (IST) |
i want to view the picture of a flower named, magilampoo in tamil. it is also called as ranjaihoo in kannada.
i need information about the flower and which diety or god is offered this flower.
any special information about this flower is welcome. i.k.santhosh kumar chennai, tamilnadu India - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at 23:08:09 (IST) Such collection of plants is really rare and amazing. Botany being my favourite subject I liked this site very much and found it very useful in searching for botanical names and description. Sudarshan Gupta nashik, maharashtra India - Monday, July 24, 2006 at 20:22:48 (IST) Sweet site Samuel Walton US - Friday, July 21, 2006 at 09:17:25 (IST) Your site, prepared with lots of love devotion for plants ,is very informative--congrats.Keep it up. S.Natesan Chennai, Tamilnadu India - Sunday, July 16, 2006 at 16:11:08 (IST) Thanks for the useful work you have put in. We can attempt to add local names also, in addition to the popular English and Latin names. Theodore Baskaran Theodore Baskaran Chennai, TN India - Sunday, July 16, 2006 at 09:17:07 (IST) Idea is great, consistent addition and improvement will make the site more useful. Contribution of Himalayan flowers is less. Himalayan flowra should be added. Request for contribution to all the users. Keep it up. Satpal Singh Gandhi satpal gandhi dehra dun, U A India - Saturday, July 15, 2006 at 21:02:49 (IST) To know best about indian flowers and plants, this is the best place or site to visit. Achintya Gupta mumbai, maharastra India - Friday, July 14, 2006 at 15:16:17 (IST) Nice Pics. Some Pics are out of this World!!! Keep it Up. If one can add the name of the place, where the pic was shot, it will be easy to id the Unid flowers. rest all is really finest. Best for the team. Vinay R. Kolte Pune, Maharashtra India - Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 23:34:21 (IST) Truly splendid,Marvelous,spellbinding, aweinspiring, remarkable...........! As the fragerance can not be described by words, the joy I got while visiting the site ,can not be expressed in words.I had studied botany at graduation level but such facilities were not available in our times.I must thank Mr Koshy for suggesting this site to fellow birders. Anil Bhola Delhi, India - Friday, July 07, 2006 at 16:10:36 (IST) Super Work...kudos to the Team Ananda Banerjee New Delhi, Delhi India - Thursday, July 06, 2006 at 16:52:05 (IST) Very good shots ! Thanks for sharing your wonderful flowers pictures ! Best regards RL Ryszrad L. Gdansk, Pom Poland - Thursday, July 06, 2006 at 11:31:49 (IST) We introduce ourselves as one of the oldest Cultivators , Exporters & Importers of Rare Medicinal Herbs , Resins and Seaweeds having experience of more than 50 years to our credit and are known for supplying quality and genuine herbs. We are interested in various plants , seeds , flowers , listed on your esteemed website Manish Gupta MANISH GUPTA SAHARANPUR, U.P. India - Sunday, July 02, 2006 at 22:04:59 (IST) Dear All at Flowers of India A marvellous job indeed! Not only there is a good collection of flowers and the photos are of a good quality, but also the capsule information about the flowers is also a very informative piece. Keep it up. Please send a link about the unidentified flowers to the Angiosperm Taxonony Association and it is possible that many of the flowers may get identified. Good Luck and Well done. Shirish A. Ranade Shirish A. Ranade Lucknow, UP India - Saturday, July 01, 2006 at 12:39:47 (IST) Amazing idea! if anything updated ...please let me know...thanks Bobo Maibam New delhi, delhi India - Friday, June 30, 2006 at 09:55:35 (IST) Great work. I've been following your site for over a year now... Would be great if you also encouraged submissions from others so that the reference grows. Good to see flowers arranged by colour, something taxonomists refuse to do! Maan Barua Kaziranga (Not a city), Assam India - Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 21:40:26 (IST) I was eagerly waiting for such a wonderful website for a long time. Great job well done.The site will be very helpful to all the Nature lovers in the Indian subcontinent. Mani Delhi, India - Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 15:21:22 (IST) Wow! I can't believe that such a great treasure existed without my knowing about it! The loss is entirely mine. I cannot express how much useful, educative and exhaustive I found this site. I stumbled upon it and would be visitng frequently and also informing all fellow nature lovers. K.Koshy Delhi, Delhi India - Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 14:47:53 (IST) The Flowers are really beautifull. they r niceand i am writing this 'cos someone told me to do so... Abhijeet Pune, maharashtra India - Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 12:02:25 (IST) Hi I've been searching the yellow and white Sampenga flowers that are offered to Lord Venkateshwara at Tirumal Hills. I could not find them in your collection. Can somebody help me with it's botanical name and other feaatures TO GROW THIS tree pl. Thanks Girija Brisbane, QLD Australia - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 17:06:52 (IST) Hi,i am a student of Botany.I recently visited the site.It was a feast for the eyes.The snaps are beautiful.Though I am not very fond of taxonomy,but flowers are something that one has to love.Watching so many flowers of India at one place is really great.Great job.Keep it up. Sudeshna Sen Roy Kolkata, WB India - Friday, June 23, 2006 at 20:02:13 (IST) Dear Girija, Tabish, Shaista and other friends at flowers of India: It has been my pleasure and privilege to enjoy the flowers, trees and other information posted on the website by Tabish and also contribute in a small way during the past year. My association with you all over the past year has blossomed and bloomed as a very pleasant acquaintance, though none of us have met each other. Please, please ! ! keep up the great work you are doing. Some day I hope to meet you all in person and let you all know how much I and many others appreciate your efforts. Lots of best wishes. P.Rao Pulakhandam, New York, USA P. Rao Pulakhandam Elmhurst, NY USA - Thursday, June 22, 2006 at 06:34:58 (IST) Hi again.. I explored a bit more and found it very very interesting.. Specially for a botany student like me it was a boon. Thanks a Lot for such a fantastic site... Keep up the good work.. Pls let know if i can contribute any photographs... MY email id is Vidya RAo Vasai, maharashtra India - Saturday, June 17, 2006 at 13:38:12 (IST) I loved the site. Saw the unidentified sections.... Would defintely contribute... Vidya Rao Vasai, Maharashtra India - Saturday, June 17, 2006 at 13:25:31 (IST) great site.. thanks! cleo ok USA - Friday, June 16, 2006 at 23:19:17 (IST) ITS a GR8 site.... sahar bangalore, karnataka India - Friday, June 16, 2006 at 12:54:21 (IST) Very very know about flowers India.Simply speechless. Ramya usa - Wednesday, June 07, 2006 at 01:52:15 (IST) It was a great experience to visit this site,i really appreciate the work. with all the best Deepak Tiwari DEEPAK TIWARI Jabalpur, M.P. India - Friday, June 02, 2006 at 20:33:07 (IST) This is a dream site for me. I was looking for such a site. I got here by accident through a search engine. The site , I believe is still in an embryonic stage. A lot needs to be added to make it a true reservoir of info on indian flowers. Also needed is a careful distinction between native Indian flowering plants and those adapted. Biome-wise classification may also be attempted. Different cultivars may be added. As already suggested by someone a section on orchids would be a wonderful idea. Visitors may also be asked to contribute variously esp.the various local and regional names of flowers. Often that is felt a handicap by some people in relating a flower known to them with one on a website. Congratulation for the excellent job done.---------Regards, B. SARANGI, BHOPAL B. SARANGI BHOPAL, MP India - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 12:43:17 (IST) An absolutely wonderful site. Keep up the good work. Would also like to see topics on how to propagate/multiply the plants/trees, the preferences of each to water, soil and light. N.G.Kesari Bangalore, Karnataka India - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 12:05:16 (IST) Thanks you so much for the pictures and names. I will be able to communicate better with my gardener and get the flowering plants I wanted. I will be a regular visitor. Bishakha Delhi, India - Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 16:45:18 (IST) very nice site Martin holland - Monday, April 24, 2006 at 19:01:28 (IST) very informative site. very nice photos. the golden shower tree is one of my favorites. it is called Bahava in Marathi. Radhika Pune, India - Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 22:11:44 (IST) aapne to phoolon ki duniya aabad kardi hairan hoon ke kya kya dekhon. I have one flower album of foriegn countires there are hundreds of flowers with their botanical names etc. your flower website is very heart stretching yani dil khichne wali hai yaar. Mohammed Aneesuddin BSNL, O/o GMT Buldhana At KHAMGAON 444303 INDIA Tel. 07263-250250(Resi) 250200 (Office) Mobile 9422884848 MOHAMMED ANEESUDDIN khamgaon, India - Friday, April 07, 2006 at 18:11:55 (IST) Your website is truely wonderful!!!Indeed very pleasent. It will be just great if u could add 1 more column for Orchids n its varieties!!! Will visit ur website again hoping to see more varieties of orchids will add more values to ur hard work :) Keep it up!!! Dwi Ch Imphal, Manipur India - Friday, April 07, 2006 at 15:58:13 (IST) This website is a truly wonderful resource for anyone interested in flowers and horticulture in other countries. I always find it interesting to learn what flowers are commonly grown in other countries, and before I found this website I was only able to find very little information on flowers in India. In addition, I love the information on plant names in different languages, because the few dictionaries of Hindi and Urdu available here rarely list plant names.GREAT JOB! Nicolas Roth Bloomfield, MI USA - Thursday, April 06, 2006 at 08:08:30 (IST) I must congratulate the team of this site for doing a splendid work. The flower picture as really good quality, and the information provided is very very useful. This site was sorely needed for flower lover like me. Karuna Kapoor Bangalore, India - Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 22:23:43 (IST) Great webside! Editor of David Thomas Berlin, Berlin Germany - Monday, March 20, 2006 at 04:40:14 (IST) This is one of the best site .The identification of flowers is very interesting and useful. Add more flowers to identify kawale pravin hiru alibag, m.s. India - Monday, March 06, 2006 at 23:36:39 (IST) I am glad someone took the pain to think this up. Nice site and search options. I am sure you are adding new collections in the menu frequebtly.Keep up the good work ! Raaghavan Chennai, Tamil Nadu India - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 16:34:07 (IST) Thank you for sharing...peace and love and beauty in all fresh living things...I always wonder .. iF there is such a beauty on this earth, why do people involve themselves with horrible things, god created beautiful things for you , what do you want more??.Why fighting ... why killing.One word I can use is AWESOME.My Best wishes is always with you. sarada khangembam delhi, India - Thursday, February 16, 2006 at 11:23:38 (IST) It is one of the great collection and useful tools for natural lovers. Its is the way one start thinking of a big future. I hope if we can collect every small comunity representative faces and phyics of the world can also work out. Hope I will do that colection if I can go around and inside the world Lukram Ingocha Meetei Delhi, delhi India - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at 18:26:30 (IST) Very beautiful and comprehensive site. I have not seem such nice pictures of flowers with Indian names anywhere else. Keep it up! S. Janaki Chennai, TN India - Thursday, February 09, 2006 at 11:48:22 (IST) great site David Holdaway USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 at 02:46:57 (IST) Its an excellent site! Very well worked on....keep it up! Chinansha Makkar New Delhi, Delhi India - Wednesday, January 04, 2006 at 16:34:06 (IST) |