Unofficial Errata for Various Books

This page has been created to point out possible errors which might have crept in various books on flowers and trees. Since the official errata by publishers might not be available for books, we thought such a page would be helpful for those who use the books for identifying flowers and trees.

It should be noted that these corrections are being pointed out by us, and do not necessarily carry the sanction of the original authors/publishers.
Errata marked by * were sent/confirmed by original authors.
Readers are requested to send us additions/corrections to this list.

  1. Floral Gallery of Himalayan Valley of Flowers and Adjacent Areas, K.R. Keshava Murthy (Bangalore) 2011
    1. Page 37: The picture displayed for Anemone obtusifolia is actually of Anemone rivularis.
    2. Page 55: The picture displayed for Stephania glabra may actually be of Stephania gracilenta. Stephania glabra has greenish yellow flowers.
    3. Page 81: The picture displayed for Hypericum oblongfolium is actually of Hypericum choisianum. Stamens are longer than petals in H. oblongifolium.
    4. Page 118: The picture displayed for Rubus niveus is actually of Rubus pedunculosus. Rubus niveus has 5-11 leaflets, whereas the plant shown has 3 leaflets.
    5. Page 144: The picture displayed for Bupleurum lanceolatum may actually be of Bupleurum gracillimum.
    6. Page 156: The picture displayed for Nardostachys grandiflora is actually of Valeriana jatamansi. Nardostachys grandiflora has purple-red flowers.
    7. Page 197: The picture displayed for Campanula argyrotricha may actually be of Campanula pallida. Campanula argyrotricha has blue flowers, and is much more hairy than the plant in the displayed image.
    8. Page 211: The picture displayed for Androsace garhwalicum is actually of Androsace globifera.
    9. Page 215: The picture displayed for Primula macrophylla var. moorcroftiana is not of that species.
    10. Page 221: The picture displayed for Marsdenia roylei is actually of Cynanchum auriculatum.
    11. Page 241: The picture displayed for Pedicularis porrecta may actually be of Pedicularis gracilis. Pedicularis porrecta has only 2 flowers in each node.
    12. Page 250: The picture displayed for Dicliptera roxburghiana is actually of Dicliptera paniculata.
    13. Page 251: The picture displayed for Peristrophe paniculata is actually of Justicia pubigera.
    14. Page 257: The pictures displayed for Leonurus cardiaca are actually of Leonurus pubescens. Leonurus cardiaca is a European species.
    15. Page 258: The picture displayed for Leucas lanata is actually of Lamium album.
    16. Page 259: The picture displayed for Nepeta erecta may actually be of Stachys splendens. Nepeta erecta flowers have deeply bilobed upper lip, whereas the picture shows flowers with entire upper lip.
  2. Wild Flowers of Kodagu, T. Ananda Rao (Coorg Wildife Society) 1999
    1. Page 34, Fig. 114: The picture displayed for Rosa leschenaultiana is not of that species. Rosa leschenaultiana has white flowers with 5 petals.
  3. Medicinal Plants of Manipur, S.C. Sinha (MASS: Imphal) 1996
    1. Page 45: Citrus limon is not called Nobab in Manipuri. Nobab is Citrus maxima.
    2. Page 135: Parkia javanica is a synonym of the currently accepted name Parkia timoriana.
  4. Flowers of Sahyadri, S. Ingalhalikar (Corolla: Pune) 2001
    1. Page 35: Flower number 59 - the picture displayed for Barringtonia racemosa may actually be of Barringtonia asiatica. *
    2. Page 38: Flower number 229 - the picture displayed for Gardenia resinifera may actually be of Tamilnadia uliginosa *
    3. Page 39: Flower number 46 - the picture displayed for Avicennia marina may actually be of Avicennia officinalis *
    4. Page 88: Flower number 121 - Ceropegia vincaefolia - the current name of this plant is Ceropegia vincifolia
    5. Page 93: Flower number 288 - the picture may not be of Ipomoea marginata *
    6. Page 115: Flower number 13 - Aerides maculosum Aerides maculosa *
    7. Page 116: Flower number 231 - the picture displayed for Geodorum densiflorum may actually be of Eulophia spectabilis
    8. Page 118: Flower number 357 - the picture displayed for Nervilia infundibulifolia may actually be of Nervilia crociformis
    9. Page 121: Flower number 283 - the picture may not be of Iphigenia indica *
    10. Page 125: Flower number 107 - Catharanthus pussilus Catharanthus pusillus *
    11. Page 137: Flower number 490 - Wadelia urticaefolia Wedelia urticaefolia. *
    12. Page 179: Flower number 409 - The flower picture displayed for Rhynchoglossum obliquum may actually be of Rhynchoglossum notonianum *
    13. Page 187: Flower number 253 - The flower picture displayed for Haplanthodes neilgherryensis may actually be of Haplanthodes tentaculatus (Haplanthodes neilgherryensis could be an outdated name of Haplanthodes tentaculatus) *
  5. Groves of Beauty and Plenty : An Atlas of Major Flowering Trees in India, 2/e, M.S. Swaminathan & S.L. Kochhar (Macmillan India) 2006
    1. Page 43: The tree described as Pachira rosea is actually Pseudobombax ellipticum.
  6. Concise Flowers of the Himalaya, Oleg Polunin & Adam Stainton (OUP: Delhi)
    1. Plate 45: Rhodiola wallichiana flowers should be yellow in color, and not skyblue as shown.
    2. Plate 45: Rhodiola heterodonta flowers should be yellow-red, and not blue as shown.
    3. Plate 45: Rhodiola himalensis flowers should be red in color, and not violet as shown.
    4. Plate 105: Salvia nubicola flowers should be yellow, with the upper lip reddish, and not bluish as shown. These four species are correctly displayed in the bigger version Flowers of the Himalaya by the same authors. (We do not know if this problem appears in all reprints of the book.)
  7. Flowers of the Himalaya, Oleg Polunin & Adam Stainton (OUP: Delhi)
    1. Plate 6: The picture displayed for Anemone tetrasepala is actually of Anemone polyanthes.
    2. Plate 82: The picture displayed for Primula reptans is actually of Primula minutissima.
    3. Plate 96: The picture displayed for Orobanche cernua is actually of Orobanche hansii.
    4. Plate 100: The picture displayed for Leonurus cardiaca may be of Leonurus royleanus. Leonurus cardiaca is a European species.
    5. Plate 103: The picture displayed for Colquhounia coccinea may be of Colquhounia vestita. The calyx and leaves are visibly woolly.
    6. Page 108: Hedysarum kumaonese Hedysarum kumaonense.
    7. Page 121: Pyrus pashia - Fruit globular, 1.3-2.5 mm cm.
    8. Page 403: Cymbidium hookeranum Cymbidium hookerianum.
    9. Page 412: Iris hookerana Iris hookeriana.
  8. Flowers of the Himalaya: A Supplement, Adam Stainton (OUP: Delhi, 1988)
    1. Page 50: Glechoma tibetica Glechoma thibetica.
    2. Page 52: Rumex patentia Rumex patientia.
    3. Plate 2: The picture displayed for Anemone biflora is actually of Anemone tschernaewii .
    4. Plate 79: The picture displayed for Pedicularis siphonantha may not be of that species.
    5. Plate 89: Glechoma tibetica Glechoma thibetica.
  9. Further Flowers of Sahyadri, S. Ingalhalikar (Corolla: Pune) 2007
    1. Ipomoea indica and Ipomoea learii are treated as different species. Most sources indicate that Ipomoea learii is a synonym of Ipomoea indica, and hence it is just the same species. *
    2. Page 257: The picture displayed for Bauhinia purpurea may actually be of Bauhinia x blakeana (B. purpurea has only 3 stamens, and narrow petals). *
    3. Page 299: The picture displayed for Tarenna asiatica is not of Tarenna asiatica *
    4. Page 334: The picture displayed for Sarcostigma kleinii is actually of Ericybe paniculata. *
    5. Page 380: The picture displayed for Alpinia galanga may actually be of Alpinia calcarata. *
    6. Page 404: The picture displayed for Gynura nitida may actually be of Crassocephalum crepidioides. *
    7. Page 424: Volvulopsis nummularia is an outdated name of Evolvulus nummularius. *
    8. Page 428: The flowering period of Heliotropium ovalifolium is given as January. The plant actually flowers in July-August. *
    9. Page 453: The flower picture displayed for Rhynchoglossum notonianum may actually be of Rhynchoglossum obliquum *
    10. Page 494: The flower picture displayed for Caesalpinia sappan is actually of Caesalpinia ferrea *
    11. Page 514: Sr. no. 68: The words "3 angled" and "Terete" should be interchanged. *
  10. Common Indian Wild Flowers, Isaac Kehimkar (BNHS, OUP) 2000
    1. Page 82: Purple Heart Glory - Flowering: March-August September-January. *

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